Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eat, Sleep, Poop...Repeat.

Eat, sleep, poop, repeat.
That pretty much sums up my last three weeks.
I forgot how time consuming babies are.
I forgot that no matter how much I plan ahead, I will always be late.
It's now Brady's schedule, not mine.
But, I love it.
I love to snuggle with him, smell him.
I remember how fast time goes by.
I have learned to cherish these times.
Yes, even the sleepless nights and dirty diapers.
I am content. Happy and content.
So is he.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"When are you due?"

I am thinking of starting my own maternity wear business. Perhaps a T-shirt line with quotes like "My due date is ___, so don't ask" or how about "if I don't know you, don't tell me about your birthing experiences"!

For some reason, I have been bombarded this pregnancy by random strangers who feel obligated in some way to give me "advice" or go into explicit detail of their own special deliveries. At first, I was flattered that I could still be mistaken for a first-time mom to be. But, it's starting to get a little creepy.

Tonight while grocery shopping, an overweight, middle-aged, greasy woman, felt so inclined to share her delivery experience with me. I tried to be polite. It didn't work. I was at the other end of the cereal isle before she even realized I had started to walk away! She took a few quick, sharp turns to avoid the oatmeal and syrup display, and was soon back at my side to continue her story. By the time we reached the milk case, vomit had already started to climb the back of my throat. Saved by the fresh aroma of oranges, I quickly proceeded to the checkout stand to get as far away from this woman as possible.

I just don't get it? I don't go shopping in hopes that a seasoned woman will be there to "enlighten" me on this aspect of life. If I really want details about other women and their disgusting deliveries...I will turn the T.V. on and watch TLC!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Ethan!

For Ethan's birthday this year, he decided he was old enough to go visit family in Utah. So for his "official" birthday yesterday, he wasn't home (sniff, sniff), but we were able to have a party for him before he left town.
Ethan really wanted to go to Chatfield to go boating for his party. He invited a couple friends for a sleepover the night before, then we headed to the lake in the morning.
If only everyday at Chatfield could be like this one. So calm, great weather, nice water, hardly any other boaters...Perfect! Mike had me convinced this is why we own a boat.
Ethan, Zach, and Trey.

It was a great day to celebrate turning 11.
We miss Ethan and cant wait for him to get home!

Friday, July 16, 2010

37 Weeks!

This one's for you Korie!
I swore I would never do this, but words can't describe how I am feeling right now. A picture says a thousand words though, right?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Bells!

There is no doubt that Isabella was a welcome addition to our family. Although Ethan told everyone at school she was a boy, the two of them have had a special bond from the beginning. Since the day we brought her home from the hospital, she has added a certain love for life and everything in it. I can't imagine our family without this cute girl.
This was the day we brought Isabella home from the hospital. It was also moving day. And yes, there wasn't even enough time or energy to dress the kids. But let's be honest, Ethan usually spent most of the day in his underwear anyway!

I love it! This was Bella's first time to Lake Powell. So content with her capri sun, she spent hours just playing in the sand. The hair is just an added bonus!

Her Uncle Brett use to say she has more personality than our family combined!

I don't know where the last five years have gone? We are proud parents of a preschool graduate and are excited to see what the future holds for our sweet girl. Here's to a Happy 5th Birthday and many more to come!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


Have you ever seen Mike's car? I refer to it only as "Mike's car", because I have nothing more to do with it after the events of yesterday.
Let me just start by taking a moment to highlight some of my favorite things about the beloved 1992 vintage Acura Vigor....

Not too bad from the outside...right?

This feature is by far my favorite...No exit handle on the driver side!
Mike once took his car in for emission testing and conveniently forgot to tell the operator how to get out of his car. After only a few minutes of brief panic and embarrassment, the operator was able to escape, and quickly realized the entertainment factor for all waiting customers on the other side of the glass in the lobby. Needless to say, the car passed with flying colors!

The driver seat. Appropriate looking for a car that has 300,000+ miles on it. When Mike re-entered his vehicle for the first time after I had driven it, he asked in disgust why there was a towel over his seat? I replied how I didn't like the way the foam felt on my sweaty prego butt after sitting in it for over an hour in 97 degree heat. After all, the towel was probably the only thing that actually worked yesterday!

I really can't complain too much. I have known for sometime now, that this really is only Mike's car. He has a special way with her, a gentle understanding between the two of them. I clearly crossed a boundary yesterday, and I swear on my life, it won't happen again. I can honestly say the next time it comes to taking Mike's car or riding my bike...I will gladly sew on my spandex and dust off the orange safety helmet!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


I have always been a "glass half empty" kind of a girl. I'll be honest, if things don't go as I choose or expected, a tantrum of sorts is in the making. I think Mike has learned to adapt over the years. He can see it coming, moves out of my way. I usually throw a few things, often say some choice words or slam a few doors, and then we get on with life. Sometimes all I need is a good pout session, then I am fine. Well, lately, I am not fine. In fact, pouting has turned into an everyday life experience around our house. It's really equivalent to walking on eggshells. I see it, trust me, but I honestly can't control myself or figure out just what it is that I am so annoyed with. I am literally annoyed with EVERYTHING! These days, you really can't win with me. I am all out of positives, considering I didn't have many to start with. I feel overweight, overworked, under appreciated, underpaid, and downright exhausted. So, if you need a heartfelt word of encouragement or appreciation...look somewhere else, you won't find it from me. I suggest for the next 8 weeks, for your own health and safety, you stay as far away from me as possible. Nothing good will come from being exposed to my unexplainable amounts of negativity. And lets all hope that delivery is a cure, for every ones sake!

Please read the fine print: This post is in no way a cry for your sympathy or compassionate service opportunity. It is clearly a form of raw and true emotion not to be taken out of context. It is what it is.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy St. Baldricks Day!

Feeling charitable? If here . Thank you to the Whitt family for letting us participate, rather witness, this event. Also, a huge whoo whoo, for all those who selflessly shaved their heads for a perfect cause.

We miss you sweet Tuesday.

Visit Search team Tuesday to make a donation.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

And the verdict is....I have a lifetime immunity to parvovirus B19.
No fifths disease for me.
Hip hip hooray!

But really, thanks for the extra stress!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Update...for those who care.

Thursday, Feb. 25...Antibody titer test results due. No word from doctor.
Friday, Feb. 26...Leave message on nurse line concerning lab results. Nurse returns call around 3pm. Informs me that my AFP test good. Still no news regarding titer results. Should hear by Monday at the latest. Onset of cold symptoms.
Saturday, Feb. 27...Still waiting. Isabella wakes from nap with "slapped cheek" appearance. Another one bites the dust! My cold has erupted to full blown flu symptoms.
Sunday, Feb. 28...Mom out of commission. Concerned my chances of avoiding fifths disease has all but completely diminished.
Monday, March 1...Waiting, waiting, waiting. Call to get voice mail, doctors office closed. Guess this means no lab results.
Tuesday, March 2...Leave message first thing on nurse line. 4:45pm, call from littleton OBGYN office. Sorry to inform me that there are no pending lab results. Someone screwed up, no one taking responsibility. Apology, but can I come in tomorrow to draw more blood?
Scheduled Wednesday, March 3, 9:30am, blood draw.
Isabella now sporting lacy rash on trunk, arms, and legs. Pretty!


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Parvovirus What?

Last week, Abbi woke up with the strangest looking symptoms. Red cheeks and a lacy rash that covered her entire body. Itchy, annoying. We took her to Urgent care where they diagnosed it as probably being an allergic reaction of sorts. Possibly a virus. The doctor felt it was probably due to the cheap purple fingernail polish Abbi was sporting at the time, or one of the variety of Valentine's Day tattoo's that decorated her arms. Doctors orders: Benadryl.
It's Monday, a call from the school nurse. "Mrs. Ford, I think you need to come pick Madison up. She is complaining she doesn't feel well, and she has a rash on her limbs. Looks like fifths disease".
A light bulb moment! I knew Abbi didn't have an allergic reaction. She is never that simple. I head straight to the computer. Google: Fifth disease.
Fifths disease or Parvovirus B19;
A mild rash illness that occurs most commonly in children. The ill child typically has a "slapped-cheek" rash on the face and a lacy red rash on the trunk and limbs. Occasionally, the rash may itch. An ill child may have a low-grade fever, malaise, or a "cold" a few days before the rash breaks out. The child is usually not very ill, and the rash resolves in 7 to 10 days.
The good news... once the rash appears, they are no longer contagious.
The bad news...If I am infected, the virus can cause severe anemia to our unborn baby. 9 out of 10 result in miscarriage.
I went to the doctor today and they did a blood test to see if I am immune to the virus. I am hoping that at some point I have already been exposed and this will not be an issue.
Now we play the waiting game.
Not fun.

Monday, February 15, 2010

One more thing...

Happy President's day...and Valentine's day...and Chinese New Year (go dragon)! Okay, so if that's not enough, does anyone want girl scout cookies? Madison is a Girls Scout Daisy this year and is working towards her cookie badge, whatever that is? Between my nausea, lack of time, and down-right laziness...she hasn't sold a box. So if you feel sorry enough for Madison yet, I will be taking orders tomorrow night at the church, 7pm. Come find me! $3.25 a box, delivered on Friday. Any questions? Don't bother.

Monday, February 1, 2010

What...No pictures?

It's not a stretch to say I haven't been the most efficient blogger lately. This is apparent not only in my blog (or lack thereof), but also in my everyday life. My house is dirty, my kids are especially dirty, and I keep running out of gas. Lazy? Perhaps a bit. But mostly just pregnant.
That's right folks, we are expecting baby #6. Although planned, a bit over planned actually, I wasn't prepared for harboring a fetus in my thirties. What's the difference between twenties and thirties you say? Besides the obvious ten years, I am not really sure? But I do know that this baby has completely knocked me on my butt, my ever expanding butt too. 27 lbs in 4 months, a new record, even for me. It's safe to say I won't be featuring my belly bump rolls on my blog anytime soon. Just keep posted for mutated 3D images of our newest addition. It's the best I can do.