Monday, February 15, 2010

One more thing...

Happy President's day...and Valentine's day...and Chinese New Year (go dragon)! Okay, so if that's not enough, does anyone want girl scout cookies? Madison is a Girls Scout Daisy this year and is working towards her cookie badge, whatever that is? Between my nausea, lack of time, and down-right laziness...she hasn't sold a box. So if you feel sorry enough for Madison yet, I will be taking orders tomorrow night at the church, 7pm. Come find me! $3.25 a box, delivered on Friday. Any questions? Don't bother.


korie said...

I'll take 2 boxes of Samoa's and a box of Thin Mints. You can keep them in your freezer till I get there!

I'll send you a check.

korie said...

OH and I was serious checks in the mail...
Thanks Maddie

stephgoett said...

wow! I should of bought from Madison! They are $4 a box out here! High way robbery!What the heck! I told andrew today we need to get out of California!