Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Parvovirus What?

Last week, Abbi woke up with the strangest looking symptoms. Red cheeks and a lacy rash that covered her entire body. Itchy, annoying. We took her to Urgent care where they diagnosed it as probably being an allergic reaction of sorts. Possibly a virus. The doctor felt it was probably due to the cheap purple fingernail polish Abbi was sporting at the time, or one of the variety of Valentine's Day tattoo's that decorated her arms. Doctors orders: Benadryl.
It's Monday, a call from the school nurse. "Mrs. Ford, I think you need to come pick Madison up. She is complaining she doesn't feel well, and she has a rash on her limbs. Looks like fifths disease".
A light bulb moment! I knew Abbi didn't have an allergic reaction. She is never that simple. I head straight to the computer. Google: Fifth disease.
Fifths disease or Parvovirus B19;
A mild rash illness that occurs most commonly in children. The ill child typically has a "slapped-cheek" rash on the face and a lacy red rash on the trunk and limbs. Occasionally, the rash may itch. An ill child may have a low-grade fever, malaise, or a "cold" a few days before the rash breaks out. The child is usually not very ill, and the rash resolves in 7 to 10 days.
The good news... once the rash appears, they are no longer contagious.
The bad news...If I am infected, the virus can cause severe anemia to our unborn baby. 9 out of 10 result in miscarriage.
I went to the doctor today and they did a blood test to see if I am immune to the virus. I am hoping that at some point I have already been exposed and this will not be an issue.
Now we play the waiting game.
Not fun.

Monday, February 15, 2010

One more thing...

Happy President's day...and Valentine's day...and Chinese New Year (go dragon)! Okay, so if that's not enough, does anyone want girl scout cookies? Madison is a Girls Scout Daisy this year and is working towards her cookie badge, whatever that is? Between my nausea, lack of time, and down-right laziness...she hasn't sold a box. So if you feel sorry enough for Madison yet, I will be taking orders tomorrow night at the church, 7pm. Come find me! $3.25 a box, delivered on Friday. Any questions? Don't bother.

Monday, February 1, 2010

What...No pictures?

It's not a stretch to say I haven't been the most efficient blogger lately. This is apparent not only in my blog (or lack thereof), but also in my everyday life. My house is dirty, my kids are especially dirty, and I keep running out of gas. Lazy? Perhaps a bit. But mostly just pregnant.
That's right folks, we are expecting baby #6. Although planned, a bit over planned actually, I wasn't prepared for harboring a fetus in my thirties. What's the difference between twenties and thirties you say? Besides the obvious ten years, I am not really sure? But I do know that this baby has completely knocked me on my butt, my ever expanding butt too. 27 lbs in 4 months, a new record, even for me. It's safe to say I won't be featuring my belly bump rolls on my blog anytime soon. Just keep posted for mutated 3D images of our newest addition. It's the best I can do.