Saturday, May 22, 2010


I have always been a "glass half empty" kind of a girl. I'll be honest, if things don't go as I choose or expected, a tantrum of sorts is in the making. I think Mike has learned to adapt over the years. He can see it coming, moves out of my way. I usually throw a few things, often say some choice words or slam a few doors, and then we get on with life. Sometimes all I need is a good pout session, then I am fine. Well, lately, I am not fine. In fact, pouting has turned into an everyday life experience around our house. It's really equivalent to walking on eggshells. I see it, trust me, but I honestly can't control myself or figure out just what it is that I am so annoyed with. I am literally annoyed with EVERYTHING! These days, you really can't win with me. I am all out of positives, considering I didn't have many to start with. I feel overweight, overworked, under appreciated, underpaid, and downright exhausted. So, if you need a heartfelt word of encouragement or appreciation...look somewhere else, you won't find it from me. I suggest for the next 8 weeks, for your own health and safety, you stay as far away from me as possible. Nothing good will come from being exposed to my unexplainable amounts of negativity. And lets all hope that delivery is a cure, for every ones sake!

Please read the fine print: This post is in no way a cry for your sympathy or compassionate service opportunity. It is clearly a form of raw and true emotion not to be taken out of context. It is what it is.