Sunday, August 29, 2010

Eat, Sleep, Poop...Repeat.

Eat, sleep, poop, repeat.
That pretty much sums up my last three weeks.
I forgot how time consuming babies are.
I forgot that no matter how much I plan ahead, I will always be late.
It's now Brady's schedule, not mine.
But, I love it.
I love to snuggle with him, smell him.
I remember how fast time goes by.
I have learned to cherish these times.
Yes, even the sleepless nights and dirty diapers.
I am content. Happy and content.
So is he.


the blacks said...

He is so stinking cute! More pics please!

korie said...

Oh what a sweetie! I need to hold him!

Anonymous said...

So happy for you that he's finally here! What a cutie!

Shay Brackney said...

congrats, Sara...he's beautiful!

Robin said...

What a handsome little guy!
I see a lot of Madison in him. Handsome boy! Of course Madison is a darling girl!!

Robin said...
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jerseygirl said...

he is so adroable, I can't wait to see him. We need to plan a trip asap!! I can see some Madison too!

stephgoett said...

yes he is definetly a BOY!! And sooo handsome! Enjoy the little guy and give him a hug and kiss from us!

The Valley family said...

He is adorable! Congratulations!