Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yep, Still Alive!

Enough already.

I know.

I get it.

So, I haven't blogged in a really long time. You know it's been a while when your blog is at the bottom of all your friends sidebars. Like, the very bottom.

Sad thing is, I don't really have much to say. Just thought I would post a cute pic of my little nugget. Brady actually doesn't resemble any part of a nugget anymore, more like a small fry.

Hmmm, I'm hungry.

More in another seven months.

Or not?


Alyssa said...

I was beginning to wonder. Now you are going to have to go through your day thinking, "should I blog about that?" Or not. Thanks for commenting on my blog, it made me feel worthwhile.

korie said...

He is worth blogging about. Darn is he cute or what? One picture every few months for those of us far far away is better than nothing.

Shay Brackney said...

He is so big! Wow! I eagerly anticipate your 2012 post!

jerseygirl said...

Sara, he's such a doll, seriously so cute i just love him already. You know how to churn out some cute kids....I want to come see you guys soon!! or come out, you have a place to crash anytime and we'll also show you a good time!