Monday, November 16, 2009

Punky Brewster?

Remember Punky Brewster?

I do, I live with her!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Surprisingly enjoying!

Last night Abbi and I attended the Stake PJ party for all Activity Day girls. I'll admit that this wasn't something that was top on my priority list of "things to do", Yet, I always find myself being surprised by how much I actually enjoy these activities once I am there. Their main focus was on PJ'S...Prayer, Journal and Scriptures. We all wore our comfy pajamas and settled in on pillows and blankets strewn about the gym floor for some pizza and talks given by youth leaders. One of the speakers, Kathy Hansen, really captivated my attention. She shared a story of her family discovering a birds nest under their house deck. Each day they would take a peak to see what these birds were up to, and one day they noticed there were five blue bird eggs. They kept a close watch on these bird eggs until one day they had hatched. A few weeks had gone by, and soon enough these five little birds were learning how to fly. Stretching their wings and fluttering over the back lawn. Mom and Dad bird were close by, keeping a watchful eye out as their babies struggled to find the ability to make it off the ground. To their horror, a magpie was lurking in the tree not far from where the little birds were. One by one the magpie flew down and snatched the little birds out of the grass. The Hansen family was doing everything they could to distract this magpie from getting the babies, but it didn't help. Only one of the baby birds made it away. The only thing that could have kept these birds out of harms way, was their own ability to fly.

Kathy likened this story to that of our testimony of our Savior. Only WE have the ability to "fly" or to gain a testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In the end, it doesn't matter what testimony our parents have, or our leaders , or even the Prophet. In order to find our way back to our Father in Heaven, we must have our own testimony.

I am thankful that I have a testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Although my wings may flutter now and then, I have the ability through Prayer, Journal, and Scriptures to find my strength and keep flying.

Friday, November 13, 2009

School Pictures

Last week Isabella had pictures taken at preschool. I forgot. The picture speaks for itself. Surrounded by an array of 4 year old's with hair curled, new clothes and shoes, nothing short of perfection. Then Bella. Perfect in her own way. Last year's Halloween shirt (although it's November), leggings on her arms (eliminates the need for a jacket), and slight remnants on her cheek of a once was princess tattoo. At least she's got personality!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

What a great Halloween, we had such a fun night. Our good friends, the Mansell's, invited us and a few other families over for a yummy dinner before trick-or-treating. Sloppy Joe's, homemade french fries and frog eye salad...what a perfect Halloween dinner, YUMMY!

My fifties girls...Madison & Abbigayle

Cutest ever Little Red Riding Hood... Isabella

The flower that didn't smell so good...Gabrielle

The trick-or-treating crew...

(top row) Ethan, Kylie, Alli, Abbi, Mckell, Madison
(bottom row) Kitty, Bella, Annie, Kimberly & Gabrielle
Special thanks to the Mike and Loren for supervising kids while trick-or-treating and to Jason Butts for scaring the crap out of me and Stacey!

The Loot!

After a good round of trick-or-treating, we came back to the Mansell's for some good old sledding. Where else, but Colorado, can you trick-or-treat and sled all in the same day?

Mike, as we all know, is still a kid at heart. The Luge was way too tempting to resist. Check out what happens when a 35 year old tries to sled in the front yard...

Funny, I know! how it should be.

The sugar buzz in all but gone, and all that remains are the wrappers from half- eaten candy bars. Now that's what I call a great Halloween night!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Where's the tooth fairy?

After weeks of pushing, pulling, grabbing, jabbing and twisting...Madison FINALLY lost her first tooth!

This morning Madison woke to find her tooth gone, but wait, no money? Where is the tooth fairy?

Good thing fairies can't fly in a blizzard! Maybe tonight.

Is the bank still open?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It's always something. I have decided when you have 5 children, you are bound to have issues. Lots of them, wide variety too. This weeks issue...hitting. I honestly have never had to deal with physical confrontation with my children, with the exception of Gabrielle. But, we expect it from Gabby, we anticipate it and therefore have a level of control over it. This however was a complete blindside.

After school last week, Isabella's two pre-kindergarten teachers approached Mike while picking her up that day. They proceeded to explain, while Isabella was standing there, that there has been a problem with hitting other girls while out at "recess". After the shock lifted, Mike was able to ask why they thought it was Isabella that was initiating contact. They had nothing more to say than it was two against one. In other words, two girls were telling the same dramatic story about Bella, so somehow that validates their conclusion. He continued by politely explaining that hitting was not an issue at our house, especially with Bella, but we would talk with her about this. Not that we had to, she had been standing there, listening word for word through the whole conversation. HELLO! She is four, not deaf.

This is our 5th year with this particular preschool. Never had a problem, until now. Funny thing is that it's not the hitting that's bothering me. If Isabella is hitting, that is clearly a problem, one that we can find the root cause and ultimately stop the behavior. But how can I undo the damage from two teachers who didn't have the common sense to take a different approach to discussing this issue with her parents?

They clearly don't have children of their own. If they did, they would feel as stupid as I think they both are right now.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Party like it's your birthday!

Today is my baby girl's 9th birthday!

We went to none other than Red Robin for her birthday dinner.

We ran into Miss B there so we snapped a quick shot together.

Let's face it...besides the fries, Red Robin doesn't have a whole lot to offer. Unless you're the birthday girl, then you get the coveted ice cream sunday! You can see the envy in Madi's eyes.

Abbi was nice enough to share with her little sister, well, one anyway.
Who could resist that wide open mouth?

We have to take advantage of the fact that she will still take a photo
with her parents. Not too many more birthday's before me and Mike
will be on our own!

We came back to the not so coveted cupcakes at home.
Somehow I still managed to pound three of them in one sitting.
Good news, there are still 9 left for breakfast tomorrow morning!

Ethan, what a sweet boy, bought this LIV doll for Abbi with his
very own money. Those things aren't cheap! She was shocked,
to say the least.

After six Target stores, two Toys R' Us and 44oz. of diet coke...
we finally found the infamous Zhu Zhu pets. FYI, if your kid wants one
in time for Christmas, start looking now!!
Happy Birthday Abbigayle! We sure love you!

Friday, October 9, 2009

So Ive been told...

"Are you mad at me?" That seems to be a question that I am hearing a lot of recently. I am a little surprised. For those that truly know me, will also truly know when I am mad at you. I would consider myself to be fairly even tempered. I admit my occasional outburst's at the local Walmart or a run in with a manager at Chik-fil-A, but really, who doesn't?

I was having a conversation with a friend just before her move back to California. We were having a good time and somehow tried to figure out why we hadn't become friends sooner. She delicately explained to me that I gave her the impression that I was too good for her. Only a true friend! (miss you kor)

I have come to the conclusion that it's, well, my face! I have been told that my face "says it all". Apparently I am not aware of what my face it doing most of the time. So the next time you have a question or inadequacy of how I feel about you, remember, it's just my face.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tea for Two

Tonight Mike and Abbigayle spent some quality time together
learning all about manners and proper etiquette at "tea time".
Cause you know there is such a thing as Mormon tea!
They learned a few new things about each other and even what
Dad looked like as a kid! Abbigayle couldn't find his picture if her
life depended on it. Funny since they kinda look alike.
I mean really...look at the two of them!
It was a fun night and a great way to spend some time with each other.
Thanks Activity Days!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Madi Moo!

Where has the time gone? Seven years. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. A beautiful baby girl. The best baby girl. For most families, large families anyway, would say number three was the hardest. Not so in our case. Madison seemed to even things out in our family. Funny since three is an odd number. Regardless, she is right where she was meant to be.

I have to apologize up front for the abundance of pictures. I was really thinking of only a select few that really stood out to me, but they were all such a great representation of who she really is. How could I only pick two or three? There literally isn't a bad picture of Madison. She is such a sweet girl. Kind, friendly, funny and generally a happy person all around. I am so proud to be her mom and I can't think of a better seven year old around!! Happy Birthday Madi Moo!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

Eleven years strong! Happy Anniversary Babe!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

CAUTION: Graphic Content

Urticaria...for those of you less familiar with this term, hives. That's right! I have a classic case of the hives. How or where I got it remains a mystery. All I know is I can't stop itching. And it really sucks! So, for those of you counting numbers tomorrow at Stake Conference, I obviously will not be there. I will be home itching. So suck it!

Sorry for the graphic content of this photo. I will be starting a diet on Monday.

Friday, August 28, 2009

So, I have a sister. Well, a half sister actually. Even some of my closest friends do not know this little known fact about me. It’s been a long time since I have seen her, about sixteen years, give or take. She found me on facebook, go figure! I was happy to hear from her, although a little unsure of why she would contact me now? I have very few memories of her. One of the most memorable is when I stole her stationary and stickers! Good memory huh? I do remember driving her to the airport of her last visit. What happened after that, I am not sure. I was young and unconcerned. But, for whatever reason, myself and those in my immediate family have not spoken to or seen her since.

On Monday we talked. After several days of phone tag, we finally connected. I was nervous…very nervous. What do you say to someone you don’t really know? There were moments of silence, awkward silence. I would probably best describe the conversation as one you would have with a new neighbor. You know, the basics…Where are you from? How many kids do you have? Where does your husband work? Those questions equally important, yet I couldn’t stop the thought of asking why she left? Or why she didn’t concern herself enough to find me before now? Or more importantly, to justify my Dad…OUR Dad. My nerves ceased and the thoughts disappeared. Those questions will have to wait for another day, another phone call perhaps. For now, I am content with the basics.

Its funny how after sixteen years time, a 60 minute phone call brings family into perspective. I am truly grateful for my parents and for my brother. I appreciate that I know them for who they are, strength and weakness, and love them regardless. I hope to appreciate this new relationship with part of my past, a new friendship.

I will start there.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My walking co-pay

Allergies ✓
Log hit to the stomach ✓
A bumb on the head from a tree branch ✓
Two trips to the camp nurse ✓
= A walking co-pay!

At least she had a good time!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The misadventures of Abbigayle!

So... I haven't posted in quite some time. Honestly, I was beginning to wonder if I really had time to be a blogger? Then things happen in life, and I got to could I not post that? This is definitely one of those things, another misadventure of miss Abbigayle!

Abbigayle has a tooth, a very mischievous tooth. Has done nothing but cause her grief. When she was four, she had a baby root canal and cap put on in hopes of saving her permanent tooth. Now, five years later her permanent tooth is ready to make an appearance. BUT, this mischievous tooth would hear nothing of the sort. It was in and there to stay. The dentist advised that we put the "tooth to sleep" and "wiggle" it out! But before we were ready to make that commitment, we had to "wiggle" our paycheck.

Yesterday, Abbigayle came home from school ecstatic that she could slip her tongue in between her tooth. It was lose, really lose. She called Mike to tell him about her great news. He was also so excited about the prospects of not having to pay to have it removed, that he offered her some words of encouragement. For example..."you know they have to put a BIG shot in your mouth to pull a tooth out" or "it REALLY hurts when the dentist pulls your tooth out". May not be exact wording, but that's how Abbigayle perceived the phone conversation.

It's 8:30pm...bedtime at our house. The routines have all been completed. Pajamas on, teeth brushed, read for 15 minutes and lights out! I settle in downstairs, ready to enjoy a quiet evening alone. SLAM! Was that the bedroom door? I walk upstairs to hear tears from Abbigayle's room. Really...not tonight...too tired! As I open the door I immediately see the problem. Abbi stands adjacent to the door where dental floss connects the two together. It takes me a minute to realize she actually tried pulling her tooth out with the old string and door trick!

With the exception that it didn't work. Still a mischievous tooth, with a hint of bubblegum flavored dental floss now lodged between her gum and cap. Lovely! I will call the dentist in the morning.

Today...11am and $289 later, the mischievous tooth has now been extracted. Hallelujah!!!

How could I not post this?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Dad's Day!

Like Father, like Daughter. What more can I say? Happy Father's Day!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

It's Showtime!

Last evening we attended Bella's dance recital. Her class performed a tap routine to zipadee doo da, I am so proud of her, she did a really great job. She went on stage second, so it was good that we didn't have to wait long to see her dance. The downside, two and a half hours of watching other peoples kids perform before you can go home. Seriously, it was the same 3 girls in every performance. I mean really, how many classes can one girl actually take at a dance studio? I guess if I was paying that kind of money, I would want to see my child in every routine also, but I am not. So it's really just irritating. The worst part was that during Bella's performance, a family with reserved seating in front of us, decided it was a good time to find their seats. Where has common courtesy gone?
Anyway, regardless of the discomfort that was endured for the remainder of the evening, we would do it all again to see Bella and her 60 seconds of fame!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

We made it!

We have officially made it to summer break. Yesterday was the last day of school, and we are all so excited. It was your typical last day of school. You know, cleaning out your desk, saying "goodbye" or "see ya later's" to all your friends and of course teacher gift's. I'm sure most teachers would agree with me when I say this is one of my favorite things about school. This year we came up with some pretty good ideas that I hope the teacher's enjoyed.

For Ethan's teacher, we made a giant thank you card out of candy bars. I love that you can say almost anything with sugar! Miss Stephanie has been a way cool teacher. I like her Witty sense of humor, sarcasm and stress free attitude. She was just what Ethan needed this year to keep school cool. Hopefully cooler than I am, because that sounded really lame!

Madison's teacher was pretty easy to find a gift for this year. This is actually our second year with her, Abbigayle had her as a teacher when she was in Kindergarten as well. It doesn't take long to figure out that Miss Kathy isn't really into the traditional teacher gifts like bubble bath or candy. Not to say she doesn't appreciate them just the same, but I always felt a little awkward giving her cookies for Christmas. This year we gave her a book that my very own Aunt Vel wrote. It's called "Am I so different". It's a poetry book of sorts focusing on children's differences, hence the title! It's not in bookstores yet, but you can still order your own copy at Was that smooth or what?

It's really not so much about "the gifts", as much as the appreciation I feel towards these teachers. It seems so insignificant in comparison to the time and effort they put into shaping our children. A candy bar or book will never measure up to the difference they make each year, but it's all I could come up with! A big thanks to ALL teachers and we look forward to enjoying our summer break.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Almost there!

School is almost over for the summer. For Abbigayle's teacher, summer started a little sooner. Today was Miss Sarah's last day as Abbi's 2nd grade teacher. Sarah has been so great this year. I am so proud of Abbigayle and all that she has accomplished while in Miss Sarah's crew. They celebrated today as if it were the last day of school. They had their traditional t-shirt signing and they even got to eat lunch in the classroom, how cool is that! It's a bitter-sweet time. It's sad to leave a great teacher, but it's also exciting to see Abbi move forward and anticipate a new beginning as a 3rd grader! We are almost there.
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Sunday, May 31, 2009

I Need A Vacation!

Airfare: $1500.00
Theme park tickets: $1200.00
Fed Ex shipping bill: $130.00
Meeting Mickey, Minnie, Goofy and the Gang: Priceless!
WOW. 8 Days, 6 Theme parks and Huntington Beach. I need a vacation from our vacation! We got off to somewhat of a rough start. Trying to juggle 5 kids, 7 suitcases, 2 car seats and a portable crib through a security stricken airport can be tricky, to say the least. It wasn't until we were checking our luggage that I realized we were short one, suitcase that is. Surprisingly we did not lose any of our children on this trip which should consider this vacation a success in itself! Unfortunately, the luggage that was left at home contained all five kids clothing for the week. Yep! Shirts, shoes, socks, name it, it was in there. Why couldn't it have been my suitcase? I would have gladly bought a few new outfits to get me through the week. But really....all five kids clothes! What luck. As I placed a handful of frantic calls to anyone willing to come to my aid, my friend Stacey would soon be on her way to the nearest Fed Ex with the forgotten articles of clothing and the remnants of my sanity. We received the package by noon the next day, as promised, and our vacation officially began.
We started the week off in San Diego visiting Sea World, San Diego's wild Animal Park and Legoland. Surprisingly, Legoland came in first as the kids favorite. For being Memorial Day, the lines were relatively short and all our kids, Gabrielle being the exception, met the height requirement for all the rides. The weather was perfect, the kids were happy and our vacation was finally at a redeeming point.
Next we were off to Disneyland. We had a 3 day park hopper pass to Disneyland so we decided to break it up a bit by visiting Universal studios in between. It was my first time there and it was really a fun place, for older kids and Adults. The rides were minimal and not meant for the younger age groups. Poor Isabella and Gabrielle spent most of the day confined to the stroller. On the other hand, I had a great time! Our two favorite rides were Jurassic Park and the Mummy. Jurassic park is comparable to an 80 ft. splash mountain while the Mummy is one of the best high speed roller coasters I have ever been on. I get a head ache just thinking about them!
So back we go to the Magical madness of Disneyland. We were lucky enough to meet up with our old, but not forgotten friends, Korie and Nathan Browning. It was so good to see them and the kids had a blast with each other. They were good sports to tag along while we covered the remainder of the park and went back for seconds on all the good rides. Thanks for meeting up with us guys!
It was a good trip, even with the occasional bumps in the road. There are three things I know for sure from our Vacation. One....count all your luggage before you leave home, Two....all zoo's are the same and Three....Disneyland is still the greatest place on earth.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Baby Shopping

Apparently you can buy babies at the grocery store
(according to Bella).
We'll take one boy please!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Isn't this lovely?? We woke this morning to a good foot and a half of heavy wet snow. Can't complain... I guess? We needed the moisture, so here it is!

The kids at least made good use of the day. Mike helped to build this snow fort that Ethan and his cousin Spencer proudly claimed as their own! Don't forget about Dexter, if you look close you can see his best feature standing out behind the fort!

Props to Renaissance! On Ethan's last winter expedition, they taught the kids how to make a snow shelter for survival. Not that we need to survive outdoors in these condition's, but at least we know how if it ever comes to that! I love that school.

Our poor tree's took the biggest hit. After a long cold winter, we thought they would pull through. That was until this morning's heavy snow overpowered the fragile branches and gave way. You can see how they broke clean off and fell to the bottom of the tree. Looks a little naked now, don't ya think?

Gabrielle was well equipped...with one glove that is! Needless to say, her time in the snow was short spent.

Isabella was glamorous as usual. I mean really, how could you play in the snow without Dora goggles? Anything less would be absurd!

Don't tell Abbi about the snow fort. We kind of like Ethan the way he is and let's face it, he's the only boy we've got!

Madison chose to spend the day indoors wearing her pajama's, sipping hot cocoa and watching movies nestled in front of the warm fireplace. That's my girl!