Sunday, September 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Madi Moo!

Where has the time gone? Seven years. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital. A beautiful baby girl. The best baby girl. For most families, large families anyway, would say number three was the hardest. Not so in our case. Madison seemed to even things out in our family. Funny since three is an odd number. Regardless, she is right where she was meant to be.

I have to apologize up front for the abundance of pictures. I was really thinking of only a select few that really stood out to me, but they were all such a great representation of who she really is. How could I only pick two or three? There literally isn't a bad picture of Madison. She is such a sweet girl. Kind, friendly, funny and generally a happy person all around. I am so proud to be her mom and I can't think of a better seven year old around!! Happy Birthday Madi Moo!


Alyssa said...

So I like all your kids, but I must confess, I have a thing for Madison. It's probably because she is always shy around me and I can't figure her out as easily as the others. Plus Kitty LOVES her, and what Kitty loves, I love.

jerseygirl said...

Happy birthday Madison!! sorry we missed it. You are such a cute girl. I still remember the pumpkin picture (that was my favorite) Happy 7th!!

the blacks said...

So cute- happy Birthday! Miss you guys

stephgoett said...

she is sooo beautiful! Happ Birthday Madi we didn't forget you in Cali you see we have it written on our calendar and even if you don't get a call still know the Goett's are thinking of you! YOu too Sara!