Saturday, August 29, 2009

CAUTION: Graphic Content

Urticaria...for those of you less familiar with this term, hives. That's right! I have a classic case of the hives. How or where I got it remains a mystery. All I know is I can't stop itching. And it really sucks! So, for those of you counting numbers tomorrow at Stake Conference, I obviously will not be there. I will be home itching. So suck it!

Sorry for the graphic content of this photo. I will be starting a diet on Monday.

Friday, August 28, 2009

So, I have a sister. Well, a half sister actually. Even some of my closest friends do not know this little known fact about me. It’s been a long time since I have seen her, about sixteen years, give or take. She found me on facebook, go figure! I was happy to hear from her, although a little unsure of why she would contact me now? I have very few memories of her. One of the most memorable is when I stole her stationary and stickers! Good memory huh? I do remember driving her to the airport of her last visit. What happened after that, I am not sure. I was young and unconcerned. But, for whatever reason, myself and those in my immediate family have not spoken to or seen her since.

On Monday we talked. After several days of phone tag, we finally connected. I was nervous…very nervous. What do you say to someone you don’t really know? There were moments of silence, awkward silence. I would probably best describe the conversation as one you would have with a new neighbor. You know, the basics…Where are you from? How many kids do you have? Where does your husband work? Those questions equally important, yet I couldn’t stop the thought of asking why she left? Or why she didn’t concern herself enough to find me before now? Or more importantly, to justify my Dad…OUR Dad. My nerves ceased and the thoughts disappeared. Those questions will have to wait for another day, another phone call perhaps. For now, I am content with the basics.

Its funny how after sixteen years time, a 60 minute phone call brings family into perspective. I am truly grateful for my parents and for my brother. I appreciate that I know them for who they are, strength and weakness, and love them regardless. I hope to appreciate this new relationship with part of my past, a new friendship.

I will start there.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

My walking co-pay

Allergies ✓
Log hit to the stomach ✓
A bumb on the head from a tree branch ✓
Two trips to the camp nurse ✓
= A walking co-pay!

At least she had a good time!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The misadventures of Abbigayle!

So... I haven't posted in quite some time. Honestly, I was beginning to wonder if I really had time to be a blogger? Then things happen in life, and I got to could I not post that? This is definitely one of those things, another misadventure of miss Abbigayle!

Abbigayle has a tooth, a very mischievous tooth. Has done nothing but cause her grief. When she was four, she had a baby root canal and cap put on in hopes of saving her permanent tooth. Now, five years later her permanent tooth is ready to make an appearance. BUT, this mischievous tooth would hear nothing of the sort. It was in and there to stay. The dentist advised that we put the "tooth to sleep" and "wiggle" it out! But before we were ready to make that commitment, we had to "wiggle" our paycheck.

Yesterday, Abbigayle came home from school ecstatic that she could slip her tongue in between her tooth. It was lose, really lose. She called Mike to tell him about her great news. He was also so excited about the prospects of not having to pay to have it removed, that he offered her some words of encouragement. For example..."you know they have to put a BIG shot in your mouth to pull a tooth out" or "it REALLY hurts when the dentist pulls your tooth out". May not be exact wording, but that's how Abbigayle perceived the phone conversation.

It's 8:30pm...bedtime at our house. The routines have all been completed. Pajamas on, teeth brushed, read for 15 minutes and lights out! I settle in downstairs, ready to enjoy a quiet evening alone. SLAM! Was that the bedroom door? I walk upstairs to hear tears from Abbigayle's room. Really...not tonight...too tired! As I open the door I immediately see the problem. Abbi stands adjacent to the door where dental floss connects the two together. It takes me a minute to realize she actually tried pulling her tooth out with the old string and door trick!

With the exception that it didn't work. Still a mischievous tooth, with a hint of bubblegum flavored dental floss now lodged between her gum and cap. Lovely! I will call the dentist in the morning.

Today...11am and $289 later, the mischievous tooth has now been extracted. Hallelujah!!!

How could I not post this?