Friday, June 6, 2008

Kung Fu Something!

This is a great movie (if you are not with a two year old)! Today I had this fabulous idea to take ALL 5 kids to the movies by myself, somebody should have stopped me! I think we made it through 2 previews before they were all begging for their candy, and that was only because I threatened that if they asked me before the lights went out, then the movie workers would kick us out! I didn't tell them it was because I was too cheap to buy popcorn and drinks at the Movies like everybody else. I have become the epitome of a Mormon mom. This reminds me of a time we were visiting family in none other than Utah. There was a large family sitting in front of us, and when I say large, that means like 20 kids or something! As soon as the lights began to dim, simultaneously you heard the tops of their Shasta cans go pssssssssss! It was a sort of de ja vu for me today, except I at least bought the name brand soda. Really though, this is a cute move, one of the best animated ones I have seen in a while. My only suggestion, hire a babysitter!


the blacks said...

Dont give up on blogging yet! I cant believe you took all five kids to a movie. Did you really think they would sit through the whole thing? You are an all-star! Love ya

korie said...

We should have been with you! I would have popped the popcorn at home and brought you some! haha